Thursday, December 4, 2008

Durian Thief

I can’t believe it. Someone came to hubby’s stall to steal durians at 5:00am. And the person who stole the durian’s was someone who came quite often to eat durians at our stall. The nerve of some people. Some more hubby will give him and his friends good durians.

This is what happened. hubby’s worker who stayed at the stall, woke up and saw someone walking away with a bag of durians. Can you believe he even took a plastic bag from our stall and filled it up with durians. In the bag was at least 5 – 6 durians. Anyway, when hubby’s worker noticed the guy, he took a durian ready to throw it at the guy. The guy turned around and put his hands up. Heheeheh. If not surely, hubby’s worker will throw the durian at him.

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