The weekend is nearly gone. How time flies. Morning, sent the kids to Sunday School, after Sunday School, we went for lunch. On the way home, hubby dropped the kids and me at Sunway Pyramid. Wanted to go to Popular to pick up some books for the kids. After picking the books my kids wanted, I went off to the counter to pay. At the counter I noticed that the zip on my bag was unzipped, but thought nothing of it (I always forget to zip it). Looked for my purse. OMG! Purse was not there. Searched again, panic stared to build up, ‘I lost my purse’ Oh no, someone picked my bag. Thoughts of my friend having been pickpocket twice - once she lost her h/p, the other time she lost her purse, went through my mind. Oh no, it’s happening to me. Search and search again. I was beginning to want to shout I lost my PURSEEE! When I finally realized my bag was on top of my purse which was on the counter. Phewwwww. Taught me a lesson. Always zip up your bag.
At home, I helped my daughter with her art project – a ‘wau’. She coloured the 'wau herself and I helped her with the dangling streamers (don't know what its called, hehe) After that, kids went for their afternoon nap. Thought I would have time to relax after that, but nope. After they woke up it was time to finish completing her ‘wau’. This is how the completed ‘wau’ looked like. Weekend over. sighhhhhhhhhhh
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